A woman and two boys were taking out books at Fairfield Library. I guessed that the woman was the boys' mother. They were about 10 years old. One of them had had a 'Moe' Stooge hair cut. It was an exact replica. It was as if he were playing the part of Moses 'Moe' Howard as a child in a Three Stooges bio pic. He even looked a bit like Moe and had a similar demeanour - being mean and surly to his brother and giving him the business (physically and verbally) Stooges style. The brother was giving it back as good as he was getting it - and found it all so amusing. Much to young Moe's ire. The angrier that little Moe got the funnier his brother found it and so on- it was a Stoogicious circle.
I got to thinking, this kid didn't give himself a Moe haircut. How did he come to get it? I reckoned that it was his parent's decision. Maybe they saw that he looked and acted like Moe and decided
"What the f*ck, let's give him a Moe cut and be done with it".
Or maybe his dad (or perhaps his grand dad) was a Stooges fan and decided to give the him a Stooge cut as a tribute and he became more and more Stoogish as a result. Sort of like Existence preceding Essence, The Existential preceding the Essential, Stoogification preceding Stoogincity.. Or does it?
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