I awoke with an urge to watch the sun rise. Why? I don't know. During the
years I worked night shift in the city I would often take a break to see the sun
rise. I saw many a strange, wonderous, and disturbing sight. Things that made me
say "Wow!" "What was that?" "I wish I hadn't seen that".
One day I will write about them.
At this particular time, a few days ago, I made myself a cup of coffee. I
went outside. It was still night, A still night. I lit up a cig. Took a drag.
Had a sip of the cofffee. Something flew into the upper leafy branches of a
neighbours tree. A fruit bat, I guessed. I was right. As the sun rose, it (the
creature) flew out from the tree - a big beautiful beast - bastard or bitch, I
knew not which- but it was twice, perhaps thrice, the size of a regular fruit
bat. Not so long ago, two years at most, there were great clouds of fruit bats
that flew around my area. Coming home from nightshift was akin to being in a
Hammer House of Horror vampire movie. Now this beast flew alone.
It may have been lack of sleep, my imagination, madness or a mixture of the three. But I swear that this behemoth fruitt bat turned and looked at me. The meaningless gesture of a dumb animal or a profound message from a spiritual guide?
It may have been lack of sleep, my imagination, madness or a mixture of the three. But I swear that this behemoth fruitt bat turned and looked at me. The meaningless gesture of a dumb animal or a profound message from a spiritual guide?